5 Best Ways to Protect Your Skin From the Sun

Summer is finally here, and its joy, warmth, and sunshine are incomparable. Not only does it bring smiles to faces and sunshine to places, but it is also an essential source of Vitamin D, which is crucial for maintaining strong bones and a healthy immune system!

Whether you see bikini bodies tanning on the shore of the local beach, you are grabbing your boat to ride some waves in the ocean, or even just walking down the street to the grocery store for an ice cream bar, the sun will beat down relentlessly. While some strive for the perfect tan during the warm months, it is important to be aware of the possible consequences of too much sun exposure.

The sun emits ultraviolet (UV) radiation that can cause sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. From wearing protective clothing and sunscreen to seeking shade and visiting cosmetic clinics, we will share tips to help you enjoy the outdoors safely and reduce your risk of sun damage. As much as we love to soak up the sun, protecting our skin outdoors is also critical.

Together, we can discover ways for you to enjoy as much vitamin D as possible without increasing your risk of possible side effects. Read on to find out how to protect your skin from the sun.

1. Protective clothing

Protective clothing is among the most helpful suggestions for shielding your skin from the sun. Clothing that covers your skin, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, and hats with wide brims, can help to block out harmful UV rays, allowing you to avoid intense exposure while still enjoying the warmth and joy.

Suppose you know you will be experiencing a high amount of sun. In that case, you can even opt for clothing specifically designed for sun protection, such as clothing with UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) ratings. UPF ratings indicate how much UV radiation the fabric can block. Thus clothing with higher UPF ratings can provide more protection!

2. Cosmetic clinic

A cosmetic clinic is one method of protecting your skin from the sun that is often not spoken about enough. These clinics specialize in skin care. They offer various services and treatments, like sun spot removal techniques. They can help keep your skin healthy and protected from the sun’s harmful rays!

These treatments can help to repair and rejuvenate your skin, making it more resilient to sun damage and preparing you for the warm summer months. For instance, laser skin resurfacing can help to reduce the appearance of sun damage, fine lines, and wrinkles, while chemical peels can remove dead skin cells and improve skin texture.

3. Use sunscreen

As a kid, whenever we ran outside, a parent, older sibling, or teacher would yank us back, demanding we wear sunscreen before we rushed into the outdoors. As a child, we may not have appreciated the purpose and importance of sunscreen all that well, but we now know that it is critical to healthy skin.

Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB radiation, and use a sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30. To ensure it is as effective as possible, apply sunscreen liberally to all exposed skin, including your face, neck, ears, and the backs of your hands.

One thing we often forget, though, is to reapply! Especially if you will be in the water for long periods, reapplying sunscreen ensures you are continually protected as you are enjoying your activities.

4. Seek out shade

The sun is typically at its strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.: during this time, try to stay in the shade or find a covered area. Trees, umbrellas, and canopies can all provide shade and help reduce exposure to the sun’s harmful rays if you are set on soaking up the rays outside with a level of protection.

If you are going to be spending time outdoors and you can choose. However, plan your activities for early morning or late afternoon when the sun is not as strong!

5. Stay hydrated

This is another helpful pointer that our parents, older siblings, and teachers often provided during our younger years to stay hydrated. This is because spending time in the sun can cause your skin to become dehydrated, making it more susceptible to damage.

Be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated, especially in the sun! This will protect your skin and ensure your body has the power to carry out its functions. Carry a water bottle when you are outside, and try to drink at least eight glasses of water daily.