If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident, one of the things you need to do is file for a compensation claim. You need to follow due diligence when making road traffic accident claims. Only then can you get compensated for your loss. After an accident, you may not be able to work for a while. For this reason, accident compensation can come in handy as it helps you to meet your day to day needs before you can get back on your feet. It is important to understand how the system works. You also need to understand that the insurance company is also working to discredit your case. Here are 6 critical errors people make when filing for an accident compensation claim.
1. Failing to Send the Claims Form on Time

Road traffic accident claims are supposed to be made within the time frame set by the insurance company and the laws in your state. A claim is considered to be made after serving insurer with the claim forms and the notice. You need to fill the claim form and send it to your insurer. If you make this step after the time limit has lapsed, then you will not be compensated and the person who caused the accident will walk away scot-free.
2. Engaging with The Insurance Lawyers in The Absence of Your Attorney

After you serve the insurer with the claim form, they will do their due diligence before they can decide whether to accept or reject your claim request. One of the things they will want to do is get your statement on the accident. To ensure that these insurance investigators do not misquote you in their report, you need to engage with them in the presence of your Futerman Partners attorney. Engaging the insurance company investigators without your attorney can be a costly mistake for your claim case.
3. Resolving the Claim Without Involving Your Attorney

Most motor accident compensations claims are resolved without the involvement of the claimant’s attorney. This is mostly because the claimant does not want to pay the legal fees. The problem with this arrangement is the fact that the claimant is usually short-changed. Without the proper legal advice, you may end up getting less compensation than you deserve. With the involvement of an attorney, you may end up getting even ten or twenty times more than you would have if you settled without an attorney.
4. Failure to Report the Accident to The Police

According to the law, all motor vehicle accidents must be reported to the police. If the police were available at the scene of the accident after it happened, then you don’t need to report the accident. Your claim is only valid if the police were informed of the accident. The police report will be sued during your claims case.
5. Choosing the Wrong Attorney for Your Case

You need to hire an attorney with experience in road traffic accident claims. Choosing a lawyer with no experience in this kind of cases may cause you to lose the claim case and end up with no compensation.
6. Failure to Tell the Doctor That the Injuries Were Sustained from An Accident

It is important to ensure that the doctor’s report indicated that your injuries were accident related. The doctor’s records play a very important role in compiling your claim case. Ensure that all visits and the treatment required for your injuries are recorded.