Almost 70 percent of the world comprises of right hand drive countries. For this reason, you are likely to visit a country that requires you to drive on the right side of the road. There is so much one is required to learn about a place when they are planning to visit. Driving etiquette and highway codes of the country are some of the important things to learn. Here are a few tips that can make your transition to driving on the right much easier.
- Practice Makes Perfect

If this is your first time driving on the right, it is important for you to take time to familiarize with the idea. You can choose to take your practice exercise on a quiet, deserted road, or on a car rental park. After a few tries, you will feel more comfortable driving on the right-hand side.
- Keep It Simple

Once you feel comfortable driving on the right, you may be tempted to try complex maneuvers on the road. It is advisable that you do not. This is especially dangerous on busy roads. If you are interested in learning how to maneuver busy roads in the new country, take time to practice in a secluded place.
- Your Passenger Can Help

Learning how to drive on the ‘wrong’ side of the road can be a challenge. If you are traveling with someone else, ask them to be your extra set of eyes on the road. This is especially important when reversing and parking the car. Ask them to help you to concentrate on the road as you drive.
- How to Overtake

In right-hand drive countries, overtaking is done from the left side of the road. It is easy to get confused if you are not used to it. It is therefore important for you to keep an eye on the left side mirror as well as over your left shoulder as that is a blind spot.
- Maneuvering Roundabouts

While it may seem rather obvious once you take the right side of the road, everything is still working on the opposite of what you are used to. In right hand drive countries, traffic around the roundabout works in anticlockwise motion. This means that you are supposed to give way to vehicles coming from your left side. The same goes for T-junctions, priority is given to vehicles approaching from the left side of the road.
- Observe Speed Limits

Just like it is in your country, you need to observe speed limits in the country you’re visiting. This gives you time to make good decisions on the road and gives you the chance to react to potential hazards on the road. Also, ensure you are extra careful about pedestrians as they may not be using the road on the side you are used to.
- Take Breaks

Because you are new to driving on the right, you are likely to get tired of driving after a short while. Following all the rules can be draining and tiring. If you are feeling fatigued, it is okay to park the car by the roadside and take a break.