Controlling deer can be a challenge for gardeners. You have to keep your ear to the ground and run out to scare them away whenever they trespass into your garden. Deer just happen to love the leafy green vegetables and flowers dotting your garden so you have to put in a bit of work to keep them away. Here’s how to keep deer out of garden.
1. Add Plants with Strong Aroma

Surround your garden with plants that give off a strong aroma such as marigold or lavender. Deer will avoid walking through the plants as the aroma stays on their legs making it hard for them to sniff out predators. It also interferes with their ability to find food and interact with their environment. The more plants with strong aroma you have around your garden, the better protected your garden will be. You can also pot a few of these plants and spread them around your back yard. Make sure to mix in other scented herbs such as oregano, mint, or catnip.
2. Soap

Soap can come in handy when you want to jeep deer out of your garden. Cube some soap and skewer it into the ground around your plants. Adjust the height of each skewer such that it’s a little above the budding plants. This will help deter deer from eating and destroying your plants. You can also shave the soap around seedlings. The soap will last for about a month as long as it doesn’t rain. When it rains, it disintegrates without affecting the plants. Soap can also help with bugs and aphids since it dehydrates them. You can use any type of fragrant soap to keep deer away. Avoid soaps containing coconut oil since it might actually attract deer to your garden.
3. Fence

One of the most effective way to keep deer out of your garden is to fence it off. It doesn’t even have to be an overly elaborate fence to get the job done. You don’t even need to hire a carpenter or be particularly handy. You also don’t need to compromise on the beauty of your garden. Use a few rows of clear fishing wire around your garden to make it deer-proof. Use tall pieces of wood to stake the perimeter of the garden. String rows of fishing line starting from the bottom with a spacing of about 1 inch. You’ll have yourself a tall, invisible fence to protect your garden. Check out Royal Decks for tips on how to fence your garden.
4. Spray Something Pungent

You can keep deer out of your garden by spraying an irritating scent. You don’t even have to buy some. You can make the stinky concoction at home. Mix a cup of milk, one egg, water, and a tablespoon of dish soap in a gallon jug. Let the gallon sit in the sun for a whole day to develop the aroma. Make sure to spray during the night as you want to be away from the garden when the aroma is at its strongest. This concoction doesn’t harm plants and helps keep animals and ground critters at bay. For extra deterring power, you can throw in a cup of hot peppers into the mixture.
5. Make Noise

Simulating unexpected sounds and sights in your garden will scare away deer since it triggers its main defense against predators. You can string up CDs around your garden to create a visual motion that deer are not used to. This will scare them away. You could also hand a white 10-inch-long flag in your garden that resembles a white deer tail. The deer will think it’s a deer tail with no deer and get spooked. You could also tie up aluminum cans and tins to create an unusual sound and visual. If you’re going to use this method, make sure to keep switching what you use or else the deer will get used to it and invade your garden.